A Visit with the Master

Poverty Lane Orchards
Far far away, in the western most part of New Hampshire, lies one of America’s most favored ciderys – Farnum Hill. Cider connoisseurs rave about its perfectly balanced flavor and see it as the granddaddy of the industry. The trailblazer leading the way is a man perfectly named for his life’s calling. Steve Wood is an orchardist at heart that many decades ago turned his enthusiasm for apples into award-winning cider.

Steve Wood pouring his Farnum Hill Cider strait out of the vat
New Ark Farms has, yet again, been graciously welcomed into the tight knit cider community. After a few impassioned, and lengthy conversations over the phone (and wine), Mr. Wood offered a visit to their humble orchard and cidery. The personal tour was filled with extraordinary cider and endless amounts of veteran advice for our poor novice souls. We are excited to continue to learn from Steve as we honor the many years he has put into spreading the word of cider and heritage apples.